Common Definitions in Meevo Reports

We understand that businesses come in all shapes and sizes. This is why we offer over 100 different reports that allow you to slice and dice your data as you see fit, ensuring that you can always find that particular data point you are looking for. 

Generally, most Meevo reports follow a "standard" of definitions for things like New Clients and Visits. Below you'll find definitions for our most common metrics, with call outs as to which Meevo reports follow the standard and which don't. Remember, most reports in Meevo should not be compared against one another, as there can be subtle differences in some fields that can cause seemingly identical metrics to present different values. This topic will help you understand what these reports are doing with certain metrics.

New Clients and Visits

Standard Definition of a New ClientA new client is someone new to the business who had a visit during the date range or pool month, with no visits prior to the date range. 

Standard Definition of a Visit: A visit occurs when a client is rung up for at least one service on a transaction. It is not necessary for the service to have been booked before it was rung up. 

Meevo Report New Client  Visit 
COMA201: Sales Analysis by Location N/A Special; a "visit" depends on which table in the report you are viewing. 
MA045: Detailed Client Retention Standard Standard
MA050: Client Visits by Type Special; report setup allows you to select New to the business or New to the employee. Standard
MA075: Retention Projection Standard Standard
MA200: Growth Indicators Analysis Standard Standard
MA201: KPI's by Month Standard Standard
MA210: New Client Retention by Visit Standard Standard
MA215: FOV by Service Category Standard Standard, and in report setup you can define a visit down to the Service Category level.
MA225: Sales Statistics Standard Standard
MA235: Revenue Analysis N/A Standard
MA240: Lifetime Client Value N/A Special; a "visit" can be a service or retail transaction.
AQ020 / AQ022 Client Work Tickets N/A Standard
AQ150 / 150B: Rebooking Analysis Standard Standard
AQ210: Missed Opportunities N/A Standard
AQ225: Appointment List by Filter Standard Standard
AQ226: Online Booking KPI Standard Standard
DC000 Low Client Threshold N/A Standard
DC042: Restricted Clients N/A Standard
MR055: Liability Sales Detail N/A Standard
DR020: Client Referrals N/A Special; a "visit" can be a service or retail transaction.
MR090: Business Overview Standard Special; a "visit" can be a service or retail transaction.
MR130: Sales by Month N/A Standard


Standard Method for Determining Retention: For retention, you'll usually want to follow our Meevo standard of looking back 4 months for the pool month of clients who had visits during that month, and then looking for return visits in the following 3 months. However, for your flexibility, most retention reports let you customize this range:

Meevo Report Retention
MA045: Detailed Client Retention Special; report setup allows you to define the pool month and number of months to look for a return visit.
MA075: Retention Projection Standard
MA200: Growth Indicators Analysis Special; report setup allows you to define the number of months to look for a return visit.
MA210: New Client Retention by Visit Special; report looks for a first visit during the defined date range and provides info on return visits.


Standard Definition of a Rebook: Rebooks are determined according to Meevo's rebooking rules. All reports follow this standard except for the AQ000, which does not consider retroactive rebooks. 

Meevo Report Rebook 
AQ000: Appointments Booked Special; does not consider retroactive rebooks.
MA200: Growth Indicators Analysis Standard
MA201: KPI's by Month Standard
AQ150 / 150B: Rebooking Analysis Standard
AQ226: Online Booking KPI Standard