Adding or Editing a Membership

To get to Memberships, type membership into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Memberships > Memberships.

What happens if I change settings in a membership definition, or its associated Member Benefit Template or package, after the membership was already sold to clients?

Membership definition:
Most of the settings in a membership definition are "stamped" at the time of sale, meaning those settings are forever attached to the membership when it's sold regardless of any changes you make to the membership definition after the sale. However, changes made to the following settings will always be inherited by all memberships, even ones that were already sold:

  • Transfer Settings
  • Freeze Settings
  • Renewal Fee*
  • Auto-Renew checkbox

*Memberships whose Renewal Fee was manually adjusted in the register at time of sale, manually adjusted in Membership Manager post-sale, or grandfathered in via Marketing Pricing will not inherit changes to the definition's Renewal Fee, as those membership Renewal Fees are considered overrides.

Member Benefit Template:
There are two ways to affect a membership by changing a membership's Member Benefit Template:

  1. If you edit an existing Member Benefit Template definition all clients with memberships that had this template attached at the time of sale will receive the updated Member Benefit Template settings.
  2. If you change the Member Benefit Template in the membership definition:
  • Members in Initial Term: The benefit template for members in their Initial Term will not change; those members will continue to receive the benefit template settings that were attached to the membership at time of sale. Upon Renewal, the membership will inherit the updated template settings.
  • Members in Renewal Term: The benefit template for members in their Renewal Term will be updated immediately with the newly selected template.

Package definition:

  • With the exception of the options mentioned below, editing a package definition will not affect memberships that were already sold. Those memberships will continue to honor the package price, services, etc. that were in place at the time of sale.
  • However, editing Package options Can split or swap services or Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items will affect all memberships that are associated with this package, even if the membership was already sold.

To add a Membership

Tip: If creating several records that have similar details, select Copy to create a new record with fields identical to the one you just copied. This can save you a lot of time when creating data in Meevo. 

  1. From the Membership search form, select Add New.
  2. Display Name: Enter a name that will make this item easy to identify in lists or menus in Meevo.
  3. Shortcut: Shortcuts appear across the bottom of the membership tiles in the register.
  4. Membership Type: Categorizes the membership for use in filters and reports. See To add a Membership Type if you have not yet added one.
  5. Employee Membership: Select this option to classify this membership as exclusively available to employees. If selected, this membership will not be available to clients. Also:
    1. Employee Memberships must be a non-counting Membership Type.
    2. Selecting Employee Memberships makes this membership appear in the Default Employee Membership field in Business Preferences.
    3. You cannot specify a price for Enrollment, Recurring, or Renewal fees for employee memberships.
    4. Once a membership is marked as an employee membership and saved, it can be edited and reverted to a client membership as long as the membership has not been sold to a client, and as long as the Membership Type is changed to Counting.


Membership Accrued Service and Transfer Settings

Remember, you can view all settings for a client's membership via the Membership Manager’s Benefits tab. Membership transfer options can be overridden by the following security key: Membership > Membership Manager > Transfer > Transfer Service Override.

  1. Who can accrued services be transferred to?: Select who should be allowed to receive a transfer of accrued services.
    1. No sharing: Transfer of accrued services is restricted for this membership.
    2. Anyone: Transfer of accrued services is allowed, with no restrictions. Selecting this option reveals the Transfer Fee field.
    3. Transfer Fee: The fee that is charged for each service transferred. A value of 0 means no transfer fee.
  2. Limit accrued service transfers to same client: Selecting this option reveals additional controls (__accrued service per __months), where you can limit how many services the member can share with the same client over a specific number of months.
  3. Limit accrued service transfers to any client: Selecting this option reveals additional controls (__accrued service per __months), where you can limit how many services the member can share (regardless of client) over a specific number of months.
  4. Expire services __ days after being accrued: This option expires monthly accruals so that they do not accumulate month after month. When it is enabled, all accrued services generated by the membership going forward will be stamped with an expiration date according to the number of days defined here. Toggling this option on and off does not change the expiration date of existing accrued services; only future accrued services are affected by this option. Unlimited Packages are not affected by this option, as they expire when the membership terminates. 
  5. Exclude specific services from transfer: This option allows you to designate specific services as nontransferable so that once accrued, only the client who owns the membership can redeem them.

Membership Billing Settings

  1. Select the initial term Membership Length in Days or Months. Depending on your selections, certain fields and options will be exposed or hidden. Generally speaking, the longer the membership length, the more options that are available.
  2. Billing Type (appears if the Membership Length is greater than 1 month): Select how the client is billed for the membership.
    1. Paid in Full: Entire term of membership is paid in one installment at time of sale.  
    2. Recurring Payments: Membership is paid on a recurring payments schedule. The fee is determined by the Recurring Fee column in Primary Member Settings. This billing type requires you to add a client's credit card or ACH information at the time of sale.
  3. Recurring Payments Schedule (available only if Billing Type is set to Recurring Payments): Select how often to bill the client. Starting with the Bill 1st Payment date configured in Primary Member Settings, the client is billed according to your selection in Recurring Payments Schedule.
  4. Auto-Renew: Select to make auto-renew the default option for this membership. Choose which renewal types are permitted for this membership:

Note: If you save this membership with Auto-Renew enabled and the membership is sold, you will be unable to disable Auto-Renew for the membership.

  • Monthly: After initial term, the membership billing changes to a month-to-month model; the Renewal Fee in Primary Member Settings determines the monthly rate. In Monthly renewal, Meevo ensures that there are always two future monthly renewal EFTs scheduled. Note that once a membership with this renewal type is sold, the only change you can make to this option will be to set it to Both.
  • Paid in Full (available only if Billing Type is set to Paid in Full): After initial term, membership auto-renews using the same membership length as the initial term. In this situation, the Renewal Fee in the Primary Member Settings section determines the renewal amount that must be Paid in Full. In t renewal, Meevo ensures that there is always one future PIF renewal EFT scheduled. Note that once a membership with this renewal type is sold, the only change you can make to this option will be to set it to Both.
  • Both (available only if the Billing Type is set to Paid in Full): The membership can be auto-renewed using either Monthly or Paid in Full. The client can decide on a renewal option, or no renewal at all, at the time of sale. Note that once a membership with this renewal type is sold, you will be unable to change this option.

Membership Freeze Settings

  1. In Membership Freeze Settings, select Allow Freezing to expose additional freeze options. Configure the Minimum and maximum days that a membership can be frozen. At the end of the freeze period, the membership automatically becomes active again.

Note: Freezing a membership freezes recurring billing, renewal billing, and accrued services.

  1. In Membership Access Options During Freeze, each option you enable will be a selectable option in Membership Manager when freezing this membership for a client.
  • You can enter a Freeze Fee for each option.  Memberships configured as Paid in Full are issued a one-time freeze free; Recurring memberships are issued a freeze free each month according to the membership's scheduled EFT.
  • No Access: The client cannot redeem or transfer accrued services. Member Benefits are not honored.
  • Accrued Services Only: The client can redeem and transfer accrued services, as long as the client is in good standing. Member Benefits are not honored.
  • Member Benefits Only: The client cannot redeem or transfer accrued services. Member Benefits are honored.
  • Full Access: The client can redeem and transfer accrued services, as long as the client is in good standing. Member Benefits are honored.

Primary Member Settings

This section is where you configure the fees and packages associated with the membership. For details on how changing these settings on a membership definition affects existing members, see our Membership FAQs.

Tip: You can create a membership that awards points to a client with each EFT payment, as opposed to service accruals, by selecting the Points Promotion Points for when a Membership EFT is processed. The client will receive the configured amount of points after payment of a membership EFT.

  1. Member Benefit Template: Select a Member Benefit Template to apply automatic discounts to this membership. You can select View Benefits to view the details of the selected template.
  2. Enrollment Fee: The Enrollment Fee is what is charged to the client when the client first purchases a membership. The Minimum Enrollment Fee is the lowest allowable adjustment of this fee at the register.
    1. Select Add Package to add a package that gets applied upon enrollment.

Note: A package that contains a product cannot be accrued through a membership.

  1. Recurring Fee (available only if Billing Type is set to Recurring Payments): The Recurring Fee is the monthly fee that is charged to the client during the membership's initial term. The Minimum Recurring Fee is the lowest allowable adjustment of this fee at the register.
    1. Define when the first payment occurs in Bill 1st Payment __ days after enrollment. This date can be adjusted at the register to be earlier, but never later.
    2. Select Add Package to add a package that gets applied upon the payment of a Recurring Fee. Note that when a Recurring Membership goes into Renewal, the membership will continue accruing the Recurring Fee package.

Note: A package that contains a product cannot be accrued through a membership.

  1. Renewal Fee (available only if Auto-Renew is set to Monthly): The Renewal Fee determines the monthly rate of the membership after the initial term of the membership. At that point, the membership becomes month-to-month with the fee configured here. The Minimum Renewal Fee is the lowest allowable adjustment of this fee at the register.
    1. For PIF memberships, select Add Package to add a package that gets applied upon the payment of the Renewal Fee.

Click here for a breakdown of how Meevo determines the Renewal Fee if it is set to 0.Click here for a breakdown of how Meevo determines the Renewal Fee if it is set to 0.

  • Paid in Full membership with Auto-Renew set to Monthly: If Renewal Fee is 0, then there will be no renewal fee for this membership.
  • Paid in Full membership with Auto-Renew set to Paid in Full: If Renewal Fee is 0, then Meevo looks at the Enrollment Fee to determine the Renewal Fee.
  • Paid in Full membership with Auto-Renew set to Both: If Paid In Full Renewal Fee and Monthly Renewal Fee are both 0, then the behavior depends on which renewal type is selected at time of sale:
    • If Monthly is selected for Auto-Renewal at time of sale, then Meevo honors the Monthly Renewal Fee (which is 0 in this case).
    • If Paid in Full is selected for Auto-Renewal at time of sale, then Meevo looks at the Enrollment Fee to determine the Renewal Fee.
  • Recurring Payments membership with Recurring Payments Schedule and Auto-Renew set to Monthly: If Renewal Fee is 0, then there will be no renewal fee for this membership.
  1. When finished, select Save.

To edit a Membership

Make sure to review the FAQ at the beginning of this topic for details on how editing a membership definition affects existing memberships.

  1. Locate and select the Membership. .
  2. Select Edit, and then edit the fields as needed.
  3. When finished, select Save.