MR205: Client Account Invoices

This report displays invoices for clients who had charges or credits applied to their client accounts within the date range, or who had a balance at the end of the date range. This report is designed to be tri-folded and mailed using a #10 double-window 4 1⁄8" x 9 1⁄2" envelope.  

Report definitions

The first page of the invoice displays your business information and the client's information on the left, including next appointment info, and the following fields:

  • Prior Open Balance/Credit: The client's balance as of the From date. If credit is owed to the client, the balance is shown as negative (italics and parenthesis). 
  • Total Payments This Period: Total account payments made to the account in the date range.
  • Total Charges This Period: Total account charges placed on the account in the date range.
  • Amount Due/Credit Available:  Displays what is owed to the business (Amount Due) or what is owed to the client (Credit Available). In either case, this is the balance as of the End date.

Account Activity for [Date Range]

  • Transaction: The transaction number associated with the transaction.
  • Description: Displays the transaction details, including Opening Balance, Account Charges, and Account Credits.
  • Qty: The quantity of items purchased on the transaction.
  • Price: The price paid for items on a transaction, including Service Charges. If it was a package redemption, this will appear as $0.00. Refunds are shown as negative values (italics and parenthesis).
  • Charge: Total charges made on the account in this transaction.
  • Payment: Total payments made towards the account in this transaction. This field appears as a negative value (italics and parenthesis)
  • Balance: This is the opening balance (on the first row) or the running balance in the list.

On the second page of the invoice, clients should detach the page along the perforated line. That page contains:

  • Client return address info
  • Bill generation and next appointment details
  • Business Address
  • Account Number
  • Amount Due
  • Amount Enclosed
  • A note to remit payment or bring payment on the next visit.

Setting up the MR205 report

  1. Type MR205 in the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Reports > Liabilities, and then select the MR205 report.
  2. Select a date or date range for running the report:
    1. To run a report for a specific date range, select Custom and specify the Start Date and End Date for the report.
    2. Otherwise, select a predefined date or range (Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc.).

Note: If you select a predefined range (a date other than Custom), you can still change the Start Date and End Date. Doing so automatically changes the date range to Custom.

  1. Display Clients with Credit Owed: Includes clients who have a positive account balance (balance appears green in the register). 
  2. Display Clients with Balance Due: Includes clients who have a negative account balance (balance appears red in parenthesis in the register).
  3. Display Clients with 0 Balance resulting from activity in date range: Includes clients whose account was zeroed out as a result of activity during the date range.
  4. All Clients or Client Search: Run the report for all clients, or deselect the option and enter specific client names into the search box, adding them one-by-one. 

Running the report

  1. When you are ready to generate the report, select a Report Format beside the Run Report button.
  2. Here is a rundown of each format type:
    1. PDF: Each time you select Run Report with PDF selected, Meevo opens a separate browser tab that displays the PDF'ed report. Meevo remains on the setup page, so you can quickly jump back over to Meevo to run more date ranges or other reports. Each PDF report you run will open its own browser tab, so you can easily review and compare reports by simply jumping between browser tabs.
    2. HTML: This is our original legacy format, which opens the report within Meevo. All of the functionality within that report is still there and available via the toolbar.
    3. XLSX: Each time you select Run Report, your browser auto-downloads the report in .xlsx format. Select the downloaded file in the browser footer to open the spreadsheet.
  3. Select Run Report to generate the report in your chosen format. Depending on the type of report and criteria you entered, this process may take a few minutes.