Meevo Color Themes
Meevo Color Themes allow your business to adjust the colors in Meevo by choosing from several different predefined schemes. You can use this feature to align Meevo colors with your brand or if you simply want a new look in Meevo during your day-to-day.
- Go to Meevo > Management > Meevo Color Themes or type meevocolortheme into the Convobar.
- On the Taskbar tab, you can:
- Customize the Taskbar Theme, which controls the colors of the Taskbar and Active tab.
- Change the Menu Theme, which controls the colors of the Meevo menu.
- Customize the Taskbar Theme, which controls the colors of the Taskbar and Active tab.
- On the SmartCenter tab, you can select a SmartCenter background from Neutral, Standard, or Bold colors.
- On the Data Maintenance Form tab, you can change the color scheme of maintenance forms.