Configuring Wait List Settings

To get to Wait List settings, type preferences into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Business Preferences and select the Appointments tab.

  1. Display the client's primary phone number in the Wait List: Displays the client phone number under the client name in the Wait List.
  2. Expire appointment requests ___ days after requested date range: Determines how many days should pass after the End Date of the request date range before a Wait List appointment request expires. Requests that linger on the Wait List beyond the time frame configured here will be considered Archived. An expired Wait List request is automatically logged as a Missed Opportunity.
  3. Maximum number of days someone can be placed on the Wait List: Limits the range between the Start Date and End Date of an appointment request. Note that if you need to set this option higher than 30 days, contact Business Support for guidance; we can adjust this option to up to 90 days.
  4. A client can be added to the Wait List only within the next ___ months: Determines how far in advance from today that an appointment Start Date can be created for a client. For example, if this setting is configured as 2 months, then the appointment request Start Date for a given client cannot be later than 2 months from today.
  5. Nonresponsive pending requests may be cleared from the book after ___ minutes: Time, in minutes, that a wait-listed client has to respond to an appointment request before the Wait List scan removes the appointment from the Appointment Book. This setting applies to clients who opted into text message notifications.
  6. Wait list openings cannot occur within ___ minutes of an opening rejected by the client: This refers to how Meevo handles appointment requests after a wait-listed client rejects a pending request. If the client rejects or does not respond to an appointment request, the next earliest appointment time the client can book depends on what is entered here. For example, if this is set to 30 minutes and a client rejects a 9 am appointment, the earliest next appointment the client can book is 9:30 am, assuming that the time slot is available.
  7. Do not send a wait list opening to a client within ___ hours of the current time: Clients on the wait list will not be notified of appointment openings that become available within this many hours of the current time. For example, if the current time is 9:45 am and an opening for 11 am just became available, clients would not receive a notification if this option was set to 2 hours or greater. If this option was set to 1 hour, the notifications would go out, since the next appointment is beyond the 1 hour restriction. If this option is set to 0 hours, clients will receive notifications for any appointment that becomes available in the future, regardless of how close it is to the current time.