Meevo Notification "Blackout" Times
Clients expect notifications to be sent at reasonable times during the day, so most Meevo notifications are not sent to clients between the hours of 9 pm and 8 am local time. Notifications scheduled to go out between 9 pm and 11 pm are sent before 9 pm, and notifications scheduled to go out after 11 pm are sent the following day at 8 am.
Some notifications can go out during this blackout window:
- Appointment Booked: For clients who book an appointment during off-hours, for example through Online Booking.
- Opt-In Success: Text message that goes to clients who reply to an opt-in message during off-hours.
- Appointment Confirmed Success: Goes to clients who confirm an appointment during off-hours.
- Report Scheduler: The service runs during off-hours, so we give you the option of when the generate the report.
- Self-Pay Initial: For clients who may have late-night or early-morning appointments.
- Proactive Alerts and Employee Notifications: These employee notifications are sent as soon as they are triggered, regardless of time of day.
- Arrivals: During the blackout window, Arrivals notifications are sent one hour before the appointment start time regardless of the Send hours before setting. So for a 2 am appointment, the notification is sent at 1 am. If an appointment begins outside of the blackout window but the notification would be sent before 8 am, the notification is sent at the start of regular notification hours (8 am).
- Docs & Forms: Forms sent "upon booking" and manually resent forms are not subject to blackout times.